This week the gang gets keen on 70s cinema with IT'S ALIVE, a tale of child-rearing gone wrong. Join us as we attempt to decipher the film's political angles, whether or not the protagonist is a good guy or not, whether we should wait for post-credits scenes at the movies.
Plus: Patrick and Steven review TRUE DETECTIVE: NIGHT COUNTRY and Chris reviews LISA FRANKENSTEIN.
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Is demonic possession real? This week, the gang investigates... with a little help from legendary director William Friedkin (The Exorcist) and his passion project...
This week the gang takes in the Taiwanese found-footage-or-is-it film THE BRIDGE CURSE and attempts to unravel its— two? four? six? eight? — stories. ...
This week we check out the Filipino Netflix original EERIE and discover what horrible secrets lie in a Catholic boarding school and its haunted...